Friday, September 19, 2008


My book takes place in San Diego, California during Steve Yorks senior in high school. But during this senior year in high school Steve spent most of his time "smoked out." Until graduation rolled around and Steve was about to fail unless he wrote a 100 paper for his princibal about anything that he wanted. He chose to write about when he lived in Texas so thats where half of the book is talking about his crazy time in Texas and his ex-perfect life with his girlfriend and bestfriends throughout his freshman through junior year and after that he was forced to move with his mother in San Diego, California where he is now.


Josh Humble said...

It sounds like a really good book and the way u described the settings i could really picture what it would be like.
Ya boi

misz.jaszy said...

i really liked how you really gave me a view of the setting of your book. it sounds really interesting.

J. Pingrey said...

I love love loved this book! It's been a couple of years since I read it, but your description helped bring back some details. I would be interested in more details about his new & old high schools; the difference between his parents' houses, and how those differences maybe point to his "transformation."

Keeapooh said...

that sound like a good book.