Friday, October 10, 2008

What I would change in The Lightning Thief

One thing i would change about "The Lightning Thief" would be how it's all up to Percy Jackson to stop a world war three of taking place. When theres alot of other gods out there that alot powerful and stronger and more decietful than Percy. And these gods could easilly get the Lightning bolt back if they were allowed. But instead there making Percy do it. I hate how it hust rests on his shoulders and hes only 13 years old... I think this would make the book better because there would be alot more action between the gods and more dilemas and arguments if all of the gods were fighting with eachother.


Dr.Suess said...

thats true. there gods, and there asking a half mortal child to bring it back. if I was in Percy's situation, I would find someone more powerful to take it to Zeus.

J. Pingrey said...

hmmm...interesting insight. I haven't read this book, but I can understand your concern with the importance of Percy's role in the global deliemma.

Josh Humble said...

i have to disagree with you i think that the fact that its all on this one boy who just fond out hes a son of a good to stop this war makes it more interesting. so yeah.